Super Smash Bros. 4 Tier List 2024

Super Smash Bros. 4 Tier List 2024

The Super Smash Bros. 4 metagame has shifted quite a bit since the game’s release in 2014. New characters, stages, and balance changes have all contributed to the evolving landscape of competitive Smash 4. In this article, we will take a look at the current tier list for Smash 4 in 2024 and discuss some of the major factors that have led to the current state of the game.

As of 2024, the top tier characters in Smash 4 are generally considered to be Bayonetta, Cloud Strife, and Diddy Kong. These characters all possess a combination of powerful tools that make them incredibly difficult to deal with, such as high mobility, strong KO potential, and excellent neutral game options.

The middle tier of the Smash 4 tier list is home to a diverse range of characters that can all be successful in the right hands. Some of the notable characters in this tier include Luigi, Mario, Pikachu, and Sheik. These characters have solid all-around kits, but they may struggle against the top-tier characters or require more matchup-specific knowledge to use effectively.

The bottom tier of the Smash 4 tier list consists of characters that generally struggle to compete with the rest of the cast. These characters may have poor matchups against the top-tier characters, limited mobility, or a lack of kill options. However, even the lowest-tier characters can be a threat in the right hands, so it is important not to underestimate any character.

Smash 4 Tier List 2024

The current Smash 4 tier list is a constantly evolving landscape, but these 9 key points provide a snapshot of the current state of the game:

  • Bayonetta, Cloud, Diddy Kong dominate.
  • Pikachu, Mario, Luigi, Sheik in solid mid-tier.
  • Many viable characters in lower tiers.
  • Patch updates and balance changes impact tier list.
  • Character matchups and counterpicks matter.
  • Player skill and adaptation crucial for success.
  • Metagame shifts and new tech discovered over time.
  • Tier list subject to debate and discussion.
  • Top players constantly pushing boundaries of the game.

The Smash 4 tier list is a complex and ever-changing entity, but these 9 points provide a solid foundation for understanding the current state of the game.

Bayonetta, Cloud, Diddy Kong dominate.

The top three characters in the Smash 4 tier list, Bayonetta, Cloud Strife, and Diddy Kong, are all incredibly powerful and versatile fighters with a wide range of tools that make them difficult to deal with.

Bayonetta is a lightning-fast character with a variety of powerful combos and kill options. Her signature move, Witch Time, allows her to slow down time for a brief period, giving her a huge advantage in neutral and combo situations. She also has excellent mobility and a strong recovery, making her very difficult to punish.

Cloud Strife is a powerful all-around character with a strong sword and a variety of projectiles. His Limit Break mechanic gives him access to even more powerful moves, including his devastating Finishing Touch. Cloud also has a strong recovery and a solid neutral game, making him a formidable opponent in any matchup.

Diddy Kong is a zoning and combo character with a variety of projectiles and powerful aerials. His signature move, the Banana Peel, can be used to set up combos, gimp recoveries, and control space. Diddy Kong also has a strong punish game and a solid recovery, making him a well-rounded character that can be difficult to deal with.

These three characters have all been dominant in the Smash 4 metagame for quite some time, and they show no signs of slowing down. Their powerful tools and versatility make them incredibly difficult to deal with, and they are all capable of winning tournaments at the highest level.

However, it is important to note that no character is invincible. Even Bayonetta, Cloud, and Diddy Kong have their weaknesses, and they can all be defeated by skilled players who know how to exploit their weaknesses. In the right hands, any character can be a threat, so it is important to never underestimate your opponent.

Pikachu, Mario, Luigi, Sheik in solid mid-tier.

The mid-tier of the Smash 4 tier list is home to a diverse range of characters that can all be successful in the right hands. Some of the notable characters in this tier include Pikachu, Mario, Luigi, and Sheik.

  • Pikachu is a fast and agile character with a variety of powerful combo starters and kill options. His signature move, Thunder, can be used to control space, set up combos, and KO opponents. Pikachu also has a solid recovery and a good matchup spread, making him a versatile character that can be used to counter a variety of playstyles.

Mario is a well-rounded character with a solid all-around kit. He has a variety of powerful moves, including his signature Fireball, Cape, and Up-Air. Mario also has a strong recovery and a good matchup spread, making him a reliable choice for players of all skill levels.

Luigi is a more technical character than his brother Mario, but he has the potential to be even more powerful in the right hands. Luigi has a variety of powerful combos and kill options, as well as a strong recovery and a good matchup spread. However, he is also more difficult to play than Mario, and he requires more practice to master.

Sheik is a fast and agile character with a variety of powerful combos and kill options. Her signature move, the Needle Storm, can be used to control space, set up combos, and KO opponents. Sheik also has a strong recovery and a good matchup spread, making her a versatile character that can be used to counter a variety of playstyles.

These four characters are all solid choices for players who are looking for a character that can compete at a high level. They all have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, so it is important to choose a character that matches your playstyle and skill level.

Many viable characters in lower tiers.

While the top and mid tiers of the Smash 4 tier list are dominated by a handful of characters, there are still many viable characters in the lower tiers. These characters may not be as powerful as the top tiers, but they can still be successful in the right hands.

  • Yoshi is a well-rounded character with a variety of powerful moves, including his signature Egg Lay, Egg Roll, and Up-Air. Yoshi also has a solid recovery and a good matchup spread, making him a versatile character that can be used to counter a variety of playstyles.

Donkey Kong is a powerful heavyweight character with a variety of strong moves, including his signature Giant Punch, Cargo Throw, and Up-Air. Donkey Kong also has a strong recovery and a good matchup spread, making him a solid choice for players who like to play aggressively.

Link is a zoning character with a variety of projectiles and powerful aerials. His signature move, the Bow and Arrow, can be used to control space, set up combos, and KO opponents. Link also has a solid recovery and a good matchup spread, making him a versatile character that can be used to counter a variety of playstyles.

Fox is a fast and agile character with a variety of powerful combos and kill options. His signature move, the Shine, can be used to reflect projectiles, set up combos, and KO opponents. Fox also has a strong recovery and a good matchup spread, making him a versatile character that can be used to counter a variety of playstyles.

These are just a few examples of the many viable characters in the lower tiers of the Smash 4 tier list. With enough practice and skill, any character can be successful in competitive play. It is important to choose a character that matches your playstyle and skill level, and then put in the time and effort to master their moves and strategies.

Patch updates and balance changes impact tier list.

The Smash 4 tier list is constantly evolving, and one of the biggest factors that contributes to this evolution is patch updates and balance changes. Nintendo is constantly releasing new patches for Smash 4, and these patches often include changes to the game’s characters, stages, and items. These changes can have a significant impact on the tier list, as they can buff or nerf certain characters and make them more or less viable in competitive play.

For example, the release of Patch 1.1.6 in December 2015 nerfed Bayonetta’s powerful combo starter, Forward Tilt. This change made it more difficult for Bayonetta players to rack up damage and KO their opponents, and it resulted in her dropping down the tier list slightly. On the other hand, the release of Patch 1.1.8 in April 2016 buffed Cloud Strife’s Limit Break mechanic, making it more powerful and easier to use. This change made Cloud a more dominant force in the metagame, and it helped him to rise to the top of the tier list.

Patch updates and balance changes can also have a significant impact on the viability of certain characters in different matchups. For example, the release of Patch 1.1.5 in October 2015 nerfed Sheik’s Forward Air move, which made it less effective against certain characters. This change made Sheik a less favorable matchup for characters like Mario and Luigi, who have strong aerial games. As a result, Sheik dropped down the tier list slightly in certain matchups.

It is important for players to stay up-to-date on the latest patch updates and balance changes in order to adapt their playstyles and strategies accordingly. By doing so, they can ensure that they are using the most powerful characters and strategies in the current metagame.

Character matchups and counterpicks matter.

In Smash 4, the matchup between two characters can have a significant impact on the outcome of a match. Some characters are simply better suited to fighting against certain other characters, and this can be due to a variety of factors, such as their moveset, their speed, their weight, and their recovery options.

  • For example, Bayonetta is a very powerful character, but she struggles against characters with strong projectiles, such as Link and Villager. This is because Bayonetta’s long, flowing hair makes her very susceptible to being hit by projectiles. As a result, Bayonetta players often need to be careful when playing against these characters, and they may need to switch to a different character if they are having trouble.

Another example is Cloud Strife. Cloud is a very powerful character, but he struggles against characters with fast, agile playstyles, such as Sheik and Fox. This is because Cloud is a relatively slow character, and he can be easily overwhelmed by characters who can quickly rush in and out of his range. As a result, Cloud players often need to be patient when playing against these characters, and they may need to rely on their projectiles and Limit Breaks to win.

Finally, Yoshi is a very versatile character, but he struggles against characters with strong zoning abilities, such as Rosalina & Luma and Olimar. This is because Yoshi has a short range, and he can be easily kept at bay by characters who can control space with their projectiles. As a result, Yoshi players often need to be creative when playing against these characters, and they may need to use their mobility to get in close and start combos.

Character matchups are an important part of the Smash 4 metagame, and players need to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their characters in order to make informed decisions about who to play against. By choosing a character that is well-suited to the matchup, players can increase their chances of winning.

In addition to character matchups, counterpicks can also be an important factor in Smash 4. A counterpick is a character that is specifically chosen to beat another character. For example, a player might choose to counterpick Bayonetta with Link or Villager, or they might choose to counterpick Cloud with Sheik or Fox. By choosing a character that is a good counterpick for their opponent’s character, players can gain a significant advantage in the matchup.

Player skill and adaptation crucial for success.

While the tier list is an important factor in determining the viability of a character in Smash 4, it is important to remember that player skill is ultimately the most important factor in determining who wins and loses. Even the best characters in the game can be defeated by a skilled player who knows how to exploit their weaknesses. Conversely, even the worst characters in the game can be successful in the right hands.

  • For example, in 2018, the Japanese player Abadango won a major tournament using the character Wario, who is generally considered to be a low-tier character. Abadango was able to overcome the character’s weaknesses and use his strengths to his advantage, ultimately defeating some of the best players in the world.

Another example is the rise of the character Lucina in recent years. Lucina is a mid-tier character who was not considered to be particularly powerful when she was first released. However, through hard work and dedication, players have discovered new and innovative ways to use her moveset, and she is now considered to be one of the best characters in the game.

Finally, it is important to remember that the Smash 4 metagame is constantly evolving. New strategies and techniques are being discovered all the time, and players need to be able to adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive.

The best Smash 4 players are the ones who are able to combine strong technical skill with the ability to adapt to new situations. They are constantly learning and improving, and they are always looking for new ways to improve their game. If you want to be successful at Smash 4, it is important to focus on developing your skills and learning how to adapt to new challenges.

Here are some tips for improving your Smash 4 skills:

  • Practice regularly. The more you play, the better you will become at the game. Try to practice against a variety of opponents, including both friends and online players.

Study the metagame. Learn about the strengths and weaknesses of different characters, and develop strategies for dealing with different matchups.

Be willing to experiment. Don’t be afraid to try new things and find new ways to use your character. The best players are the ones who are always innovating and finding new ways to improve their game.

Be patient. It takes time to become a good Smash 4 player. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and learning, and you will eventually reach your goals.

Metagame shifts and new tech discovered over time.

The Smash 4 metagame is constantly evolving, as new strategies and techniques are discovered all the time. This can lead to significant shifts in the tier list, as characters that were once considered to be weak can suddenly become powerful, and vice versa. For example, the discovery of new combos and kill confirms can make a character much more dangerous, while the discovery of new ways to exploit a character’s weaknesses can make them much less viable.

One of the most famous examples of a metagame shift in Smash 4 is the rise of the character Bayonetta. When Bayonetta was first released, she was considered to be a low-tier character. However, through hard work and dedication, players discovered new and innovative ways to use her moveset, and she quickly became one of the most dominant characters in the game. This shift was largely due to the discovery of new combos and kill confirms, as well as new ways to exploit her powerful Witch Time mechanic.

Another example of a metagame shift is the rise of the character Lucina. Lucina is a mid-tier character who was not considered to be particularly powerful when she was first released. However, through hard work and dedication, players discovered new and innovative ways to use her moveset, and she is now considered to be one of the best characters in the game. This shift was largely due to the discovery of new combos and kill confirms, as well as new ways to exploit her strong spacing and zoning abilities.

The discovery of new tech can also have a significant impact on the tier list. For example, the discovery of the “wavebounce” technique in 2016 made it much easier for characters to move around the stage and approach their opponents. This benefited characters with strong mobility and zoning abilities, such as Sheik and Fox. Conversely, it hurt characters with poor mobility and recovery options, such as Donkey Kong and Bowser.

The Smash 4 metagame is constantly evolving, and it is important for players to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in order to stay competitive. By learning new strategies and techniques, and by adapting to the changing metagame, players can improve their skills and increase their chances of winning.

Tier list subject to debate and discussion.

The Smash 4 tier list is a constantly evolving entity, and it is important to remember that it is always subject to debate and discussion. There is no one definitive tier list, and different players and commentators may have different opinions on which characters are the best. This is because the tier list is based on a variety of factors, such as a character’s overall strength, their matchup spread, and their ability to adapt to the changing metagame.

For example, some players may believe that Bayonetta is the best character in the game, while others may believe that Cloud Strife or Diddy Kong are better choices. This is because these characters all have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and they can be more or less effective depending on the matchup and the playstyle of the player. Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide which characters they believe are the best.

The tier list can also be a source of debate and discussion because it is constantly changing. As new strategies and techniques are discovered, and as the metagame evolves, the tier list can shift significantly. This means that a character who is considered to be top-tier one day may be considered to be mid-tier or even low-tier the next day. This can be frustrating for players who have invested time and effort into learning a particular character, but it is also one of the things that makes Smash 4 such a dynamic and exciting game.

Ultimately, the Smash 4 tier list is a useful tool for players to get a general idea of which characters are considered to be the best. However, it is important to remember that the tier list is not set in stone, and it is always subject to debate and discussion. Players should experiment with different characters and playstyles to find the ones that they are most comfortable with and that they believe give them the best chance of winning.

Here are some tips for having a productive discussion about the Smash 4 tier list:

  • Be respectful of other people’s opinions. Even if you disagree with someone, it is important to be respectful of their opinion. Remember that the tier list is subjective, and there is no one right answer.

Be willing to listen to other people’s arguments. Even if you think you know everything about the tier list, it is always possible to learn something new. Be willing to listen to other people’s arguments and consider their points of view.

Be open-minded. The tier list is constantly changing, and it is important to be open-minded to new ideas and strategies. Don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment with different characters.

Have fun! The tier list is a great way to discuss and debate the game of Smash 4. Have fun and enjoy the conversation!

Top players constantly pushing boundaries of the game.

One of the most exciting things about the Smash 4 metagame is that the top players are constantly pushing the boundaries of the game. They are always discovering new strategies and techniques, and they are always finding new ways to improve their game. This is what makes Smash 4 such a dynamic and exciting game to watch and play.

For example, in 2016, the Japanese player Abadango won a major tournament using the character Wario, who is generally considered to be a low-tier character. Abadango was able to overcome the character’s weaknesses and use his strengths to his advantage, ultimately defeating some of the best players in the world. This victory showed that even the lowest-tier characters can be successful in the right hands, and it inspired other players to experiment with different characters and playstyles.

Another example of top players pushing the boundaries of the game is the rise of the character Lucina. Lucina is a mid-tier character who was not considered to be particularly powerful when she was first released. However, through hard work and dedication, players have discovered new and innovative ways to use her moveset, and she is now considered to be one of the best characters in the game. This shift was largely due to the discovery of new combos and kill confirms, as well as new ways to exploit her strong spacing and zoning abilities.

The top players in Smash 4 are constantly pushing the boundaries of the game, and they are always finding new ways to improve their game. This is what makes Smash 4 such a dynamic and exciting game to watch and play. As the metagame continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see what new strategies and techniques the top players discover, and how they will continue to push the boundaries of the game.

Here are some examples of how top players are constantly pushing the boundaries of the game:

  • They are discovering new combos and kill confirms. This allows them to deal more damage to their opponents and KO them more easily.

They are finding new ways to exploit their characters’ strengths. This allows them to take advantage of their characters’ unique abilities and playstyles.

They are finding new ways to cover their characters’ weaknesses. This allows them to minimize their characters’ weaknesses and make them more well-rounded.

They are developing new strategies for dealing with different matchups. This allows them to adapt to different playstyles and characters, and increase their chances of winning.

The top players in Smash 4 are always looking for new ways to improve their game and push the boundaries of the metagame. This is what makes Smash 4 such a dynamic and exciting game to watch and play.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Smash 4 tier list in 2024:

Question 1: Who are the top characters in the Smash 4 tier list in 2024?

Answer: The top characters in the Smash 4 tier list in 2024 are generally considered to be Bayonetta, Cloud Strife, and Diddy Kong. These characters all possess a combination of powerful tools that make them incredibly difficult to deal with, such as high mobility, strong KO potential, and excellent neutral game options.

Question 2: Which characters are in the middle tier of the Smash 4 tier list in 2024?

Answer: The middle tier of the Smash 4 tier list in 2024 is home to a diverse range of characters that can all be successful in the right hands. Some of the notable characters in this tier include Luigi, Mario, Pikachu, and Sheik. These characters have solid all-around kits, but they may struggle against the top-tier characters or require more matchup-specific knowledge to use effectively.

Question 3: Which characters are in the bottom tier of the Smash 4 tier list in 2024?

Answer: The bottom tier of the Smash 4 tier list in 2024 consists of characters that generally struggle to compete with the rest of the cast. These characters may have poor matchups against the top-tier characters, limited mobility, or a lack of kill options. However, even the lowest-tier characters can be a threat in the right hands, so it is important not to underestimate any character.

Question 4: How does the Smash 4 tier list change over time?

Answer: The Smash 4 tier list is constantly evolving, as new strategies and techniques are discovered, and as the metagame changes. Patch updates and balance changes can also have a significant impact on the tier list, as they can buff or nerf certain characters. As a result, it is important for players to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the metagame in order to stay competitive.

Question 5: Why is the Smash 4 tier list subject to debate and discussion?

Answer: The Smash 4 tier list is subject to debate and discussion because it is based on a variety of factors, such as a character’s overall strength, their matchup spread, and their ability to adapt to the changing metagame. There is no one definitive tier list, and different players and commentators may have different opinions on which characters are the best. Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide which characters they believe are the best.

Question 6: How can I improve my Smash 4 skills?

Answer: There are a number of ways to improve your Smash 4 skills. Some of the most important things you can do are practice regularly, study the metagame, be willing to experiment, and be patient. You can also find a number of helpful resources online, such as guides, tutorials, and videos.


The Smash 4 tier list is a constantly evolving entity, and it is important to remember that it is always subject to debate and discussion. There is no one definitive tier list, and different players and commentators may have different opinions on which characters are the best. Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide which characters they believe are the best and to develop the skills necessary to use them effectively.

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In addition to the FAQ section above, here are some additional tips for improving your Smash 4 skills:

  • Practice regularly. The more you play, the better you will become at the game. Try to practice against a variety of opponents, including both friends and online players.

Study the metagame. Learn about the strengths and weaknesses of different characters, and develop strategies for dealing with different matchups.

Be willing to experiment. Don’t be afraid to try new things and find new ways to use your character. The best players are the ones who are always innovating and finding new ways to improve their game.

Be patient. It takes time to become a good Smash 4 player. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and learning, and you will eventually reach your goals.


Here are some tips for improving your Smash 4 skills in 2024:

Tip 1: Practice regularly.

The more you play Smash 4, the better you will become at the game. Try to practice for at least 30 minutes every day, and focus on improving your skills in all areas of the game, such as your movement, your combos, and your matchup knowledge.

Tip 2: Study the metagame.

The Smash 4 metagame is constantly evolving, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and strategies. Watch top players’ matches, read guides and articles, and experiment with different characters and playstyles to find what works best for you.

Tip 3: Be willing to adapt.

No two matches of Smash 4 are the same, so it is important to be able to adapt your playstyle to the situation. If you are struggling against a particular character or playstyle, try to figure out what you are doing wrong and adjust your strategy accordingly. The best players are the ones who are able to adapt quickly and easily to any situation.

Tip 4: Be patient.

It takes time to become a good Smash 4 player. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and learning, and you will eventually reach your goals. Remember, the journey is part of the fun!

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By following these tips, you can improve your Smash 4 skills and become a better player. Just remember to be patient, practice regularly, and be willing to adapt to the changing metagame. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goals and become one of the best Smash 4 players in 2024.

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In conclusion, the Smash 4 tier list is a constantly evolving entity, and it is important to remember that it is always subject to debate and discussion. There is no one definitive tier list, and different players and commentators may have different opinions on which characters are the best. Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide which characters they believe are the best and to develop the skills necessary to use them effectively.


In 2024, the Smash 4 tier list is still a hotly debated topic among players and commentators. However, there is no doubt that Bayonetta, Cloud Strife, and Diddy Kong remain the top characters in the game. These characters possess a combination of powerful tools that make them incredibly difficult to deal with, and they are all capable of winning tournaments at the highest level.

The middle tier of the Smash 4 tier list is home to a diverse range of characters that can all be successful in the right hands. Some of the notable characters in this tier include Luigi, Mario, Pikachu, and Sheik. These characters have solid all-around kits, but they may struggle against the top-tier characters or require more matchup-specific knowledge to use effectively.

The bottom tier of the Smash 4 tier list consists of characters that generally struggle to compete with the rest of the cast. However, even the lowest-tier characters can be a threat in the right hands, so it is important to never underestimate any character.

Ultimately, the best character in Smash 4 is the one that you are most comfortable with and that you can use to the best of your ability. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the tier list is just a general guideline. With enough practice and dedication, any character can be successful in Smash 4.

As we move forward into 2024, it will be interesting to see how the Smash 4 tier list continues to evolve. New strategies and techniques are being discovered all the time, and the metagame is constantly changing. It is likely that we will see some new characters rise to the top of the tier list, and some old favorites may fall out of favor. Only time will tell how the Smash 4 tier list will look in 2024, but one thing is for sure: the game will continue to be exciting and competitive for years to come.

Thank you for reading!

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