2024 Wisconsin Election Guide

2024 Wisconsin Election Guide

Election Day 2024 in Wisconsin is Tuesday, November 5th. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming election, including key dates, candidates, and how to vote.

The 2024 Wisconsin election is expected to be a close one, with both Democrats and Republicans vying for control of the state legislature and governor’s office. Here’s a look at the key dates, candidates, and issues that will shape the election.

Key Dates
June 4, 2024: Primary Election
November 5, 2024: General Election
December 16, 2024: Electoral College votes
January 6, 2025: Congress certifies the election results

The following candidates have declared their intention to run for office in 2024 Wisconsin.

– Incumbent Tony Evers (D)
– Rebecca Kleefisch (R)

Lieutenant Governor
– Mandela Barnes (D)
– Patrick Testin (R)

Attorney General
– Josh Kaul (D)
– Eric Toney (R)

Secretary of State
– Doug La Follette (D)
– Amy Loudenbeck (R)

– Sarah Godlewski (D)
– John Leiber (R)

The following are some of the key issues that are likely to be debated in the 2024 Wisconsin election.

– Abortion: Abortion rights are a major issue in Wisconsin, and the state has a long history of being a battleground for abortion rights. In 2022, the state Supreme Court overturned a law that had protected abortion rights in Wisconsin since 1973. This decision is likely to energize both sides of the abortion debate and could have a major impact on the outcome of the 2024 election.

– Education: Education is another key issue in Wisconsin, and there is a wide range of views on how to improve the state’s schools. Some candidates are calling for increased funding for public schools, while others are proposing vouchers that would allow parents to use public funds to send their children to private schools. The outcome of the 2024 election could have a major impact on the future of education in Wisconsin.

– Healthcare: Healthcare is also a major issue in Wisconsin, and there is a wide range of views on how to improve the state’s healthcare system. Some candidates are calling for a single-payer healthcare system, while others are proposing more modest reforms to the state’s current healthcare system. The outcome of the 2024 election could have a major impact on the future of healthcare in Wisconsin.

– Taxes: Taxes are always a major issue in elections, and the 2024 Wisconsin election is no exception. Some candidates are calling for tax cuts, while others are proposing tax increases to fund new programs or services. The outcome of the 2024 election could have a major impact on taxes in Wisconsin.

Transition paragraph: With so much at stake, the 2024 Wisconsin election is sure to be a close one. The outcome of the election could have a major impact on the state’s future, so it’s important to get informed and vote on Election Day.

Election Day 2024 Wisconsin

The Badger State’s Big Vote

  • Key Date: November 5, 2024
  • Governor’s Race: Evers vs. Kleefisch
  • Hot-Button Issue: Abortion rights
  • Education Debate: Public vs. private schools
  • Healthcare Proposals: Single-payer vs. reforms
  • Taxing Times: Cuts vs. increases
  • Voter Turnout: Historically high or low?
  • National Impact: Swing state showdown
  • Make Your Voice Heard: Register and vote!

Wisconsin’s Pivotal Political Moment

Key Date: November 5, 2024

Wisconsin’s Fateful Election Day

  • The Big Day: November 5, 2024 marks the highly anticipated Election Day in Wisconsin.
  • Voters’ Verdict: On this crucial day, Wisconsinites will cast their ballots to determine the state’s next leaders and decide on key policies that will shape the state’s future.
  • High Stakes: With a closely divided electorate and several competitive races, the outcome of the 2024 Wisconsin election is expected to be pivotal, potentially impacting the state’s political landscape for years to come.
  • National Spotlight: As a key swing state, Wisconsin’s election results will be closely watched by the nation, as they could influence the balance of power in Congress and the outcome of the presidential election.

Make Your Voice Heard

November 5, 2024 is not just a date on the calendar; it’s an opportunity for Wisconsinites to make their voices heard and shape the future of their state. Register to vote, educate yourself on the candidates and issues, and participate in the democratic process. Every vote counts, so be sure to exercise your right and fulfill your civic duty.

Governor’s Race: Evers vs. Kleefisch

A Clash of Titans: The 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial race promises to be a battle of heavyweights, with incumbent Democratic Governor Tony Evers facing a strong challenge from Republican Rebecca Kleefisch.

Evers’ Record: Governor Evers, a former teacher and state superintendent of public instruction, is seeking a second term in office. During his first term, he has focused on expanding access to healthcare, investing in education, and protecting the environment. He is also a strong advocate for reproductive rights and gun control.

Kleefisch’s Challenge: Rebecca Kleefisch, a former lieutenant governor and businesswoman, is hoping to unseat Evers and bring the Republican Party back to power in Wisconsin. She is a staunch conservative who supports lower taxes, school choice, and stricter immigration policies. She has also been critical of Evers’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Issues: The race between Evers and Kleefisch is likely to be decided on key issues such as the economy, healthcare, education, and abortion. Both candidates have released detailed plans for their priorities if elected, and voters will have a clear choice between two very different visions for the future of Wisconsin.

National Implications: The Wisconsin governor’s race is also being closely watched at the national level, as it could have implications for the 2024 presidential election. Wisconsin is a key swing state, and the outcome of the governor’s race could influence the state’s electoral votes in the presidential election.

The Stakes are High: With so much at stake, the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial race is sure to be a hard-fought and closely watched contest. The outcome of the race will have a significant impact on the state’s future, and voters will need to carefully consider their choices before casting their ballots.

Hot-Button Issue: Abortion rights

A Deeply Divided State: Wisconsin is a state with a long history of being a battleground for abortion rights. The issue is deeply divisive, with strong opinions on both sides.

  • Overturned Roe v. Wade: In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that had legalized abortion nationwide since 1973. This decision gave states the power to set their own abortion laws, and Wisconsin is one of several states where abortion is now illegal or severely restricted.
  • Evers’ Veto: Governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, is a strong supporter of abortion rights. He has vetoed several bills passed by the Republican-controlled legislature that would have further restricted abortion access in Wisconsin.
  • Kleefisch’s Stance: Rebecca Kleefisch, the Republican challenger, is anti-abortion. She has said that she would sign any bill that came to her desk restricting abortion access, including a total ban on the procedure.
  • Voters’ Choice: The issue of abortion rights is likely to be a major factor in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election. Voters will have a clear choice between two candidates with very different views on this important issue.

A Pivotal Election: The outcome of the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election could have a significant impact on the future of abortion rights in the state. If Evers is re-elected, he is likely to continue to veto Republican attempts to restrict abortion access. If Kleefisch is elected, she is likely to sign such bills into law, making it much more difficult for women in Wisconsin to obtain abortions.

Education Debate: Public vs. private schools

A Long-standing Divide: The debate over public versus private schools has been going on for decades in Wisconsin, and it is likely to be a major issue in the 2024 gubernatorial election.

Public Schools: Governor Tony Evers is a strong supporter of public schools. He has increased funding for public education and has worked to expand access to early childhood education programs. Evers believes that public schools are the backbone of a strong democracy and that every child deserves a quality education, regardless of their zip code.

School Choice: Rebecca Kleefisch, the Republican challenger, is a proponent of school choice. She supports policies that would allow parents to use public funds to send their children to private schools, including religious schools. Kleefisch believes that parents should have more options when it comes to their children’s education and that private schools can provide a better education than public schools.

Vouchers: One of the key issues in the education debate is school vouchers. Vouchers are government-funded scholarships that allow parents to send their children to private schools. Evers opposes school vouchers, while Kleefisch supports them.

The Stakes: The outcome of the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election could have a significant impact on the future of education in the state. If Evers is re-elected, he is likely to continue to support public schools and oppose school vouchers. If Kleefisch is elected, she is likely to implement policies that would expand school choice and allow more parents to send their children to private schools.

Healthcare Proposals: Single-payer vs. reforms

A Critical Issue: Healthcare is a critical issue for Wisconsin voters, and it is likely to be a major factor in the 2024 gubernatorial election.

Single-Payer Healthcare: Governor Tony Evers is a supporter of single-payer healthcare. Single-payer healthcare is a system in which the government is the sole payer for all healthcare costs. Evers believes that single-payer healthcare would provide affordable, high-quality healthcare to all Wisconsinites, regardless of their income or employment status.

Healthcare Reforms: Rebecca Kleefisch, the Republican challenger, opposes single-payer healthcare. She believes that it would be too expensive and would lead to lower quality care. Kleefisch supports more modest healthcare reforms, such as expanding access to health savings accounts and allowing people to purchase health insurance across state lines.

Medicaid Expansion: Another key issue in the healthcare debate is Medicaid expansion. Medicaid is a government health insurance program for low-income individuals and families. Evers supports expanding Medicaid to cover more people, while Kleefisch opposes expansion.

The Stakes: The outcome of the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election could have a significant impact on the future of healthcare in the state. If Evers is re-elected, he is likely to pursue single-payer healthcare and expand Medicaid. If Kleefisch is elected, she is likely to implement more modest healthcare reforms and oppose Medicaid expansion.

Taxing Times: Cuts vs. increases

A Budgetary Balancing Act: Taxes are always a hot-button issue in elections, and the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial race is no exception. Both candidates have very different plans for taxes in the state.

  • Evers’ Tax Proposals: Governor Tony Evers has proposed a number of tax increases, including raising the income tax on high-income earners and increasing the sales tax on certain goods and services. Evers says that these tax increases are necessary to fund important programs and services, such as education and healthcare.
  • Kleefisch’s Tax Cuts: Rebecca Kleefisch, the Republican challenger, has proposed a number of tax cuts, including cutting the income tax rate for all Wisconsinites and eliminating the state’s inheritance tax. Kleefisch says that these tax cuts will boost the economy and create jobs.
  • Budget Deficit: Wisconsin is currently facing a budget deficit, and both candidates have different plans for addressing it. Evers proposes raising taxes to close the deficit, while Kleefisch proposes cutting spending.
  • Voters’ Choice: Wisconsin voters will have a clear choice in the 2024 gubernatorial election between two candidates with very different plans for taxes and the state budget.

The Stakes: The outcome of the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election could have a significant impact on taxes and the state budget. If Evers is re-elected, he is likely to pursue his proposed tax increases and use the revenue to fund his priorities. If Kleefisch is elected, she is likely to implement her proposed tax cuts and reduce state spending.

Voter Turnout: Historically high or low?

The Power of the People: Voter turnout is a crucial factor in any election, and the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial race is no exception.

  • Historically Low Turnout: Wisconsin has historically had low voter turnout rates, especially in midterm elections. In the 2018 midterm election, only 49.2% of eligible voters cast a ballot.
  • 2024 Predictions: Some experts predict that voter turnout in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election could be higher than usual, due to the high stakes of the race and the national attention it is receiving.
  • Factors Influencing Turnout: A number of factors could influence voter turnout in 2024, including the competitiveness of the race, the issues at stake, and the candidates themselves.
  • The Importance of Every Vote: Regardless of whether turnout is high or low, every vote counts in a democracy. Wisconsin voters have the opportunity to make their voices heard and shape the future of their state by participating in the 2024 gubernatorial election.

Make Your Voice Heard: Whether you are a lifelong Wisconsin resident or a newcomer to the state, your vote matters. Register to vote, educate yourself on the candidates and issues, and participate in the democratic process. Every vote counts, so make sure you exercise your right and fulfill your civic duty.

National Impact: Swing state showdown

A State in the Spotlight: Wisconsin is a key swing state in presidential elections, and the outcome of the 2024 gubernatorial race could have implications for the national political landscape.

  • Electoral Votes: Wisconsin has 10 electoral votes, which makes it a valuable prize for both major political parties. The winner of the popular vote in Wisconsin will receive all of the state’s electoral votes.
  • Battleground State: Wisconsin has a history of being a battleground state, with both parties having a chance of winning. In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden won Wisconsin by a narrow margin of just over 20,000 votes.
  • National Implications: The outcome of the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial race could influence the outcome of the presidential election. If Evers wins, it could give Democrats a boost heading into the presidential election. If Kleefisch wins, it could give Republicans a boost.
  • A Test of Party Strength: The 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial race will also be a test of the strength of the two major political parties. Both parties will be investing heavily in the race, and the outcome could provide insights into the national political landscape.

A Pivotal Election: The 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial race is shaping up to be a pivotal election, with both state and national implications. The outcome of the race could have a significant impact on the future of Wisconsin and the country as a whole.

Make Your Voice Heard: Register and vote!

Your Vote Matters: The most important thing you can do to make your voice heard in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election is to register to vote and cast your ballot on Election Day.

Register to Vote: The deadline to register to vote in Wisconsin is October 18, 2024. You can register online, by mail, or in person at your local DMV or county clerk’s office. Make sure you have the required identification documents when you register.

Voting Options: On Election Day, November 5, 2024, you can vote in person at your local polling place or by absentee ballot. If you choose to vote absentee, you must request an absentee ballot from your local clerk’s office. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is October 29, 2024.

Be Informed: Before you vote, make sure you are informed about the candidates and the issues. Read the newspapers, watch the news, and attend candidate forums. You can also find information about the candidates and issues on the websites of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin.

Exercise Your Right: Voting is a right and a privilege. By exercising your right to vote, you are helping to shape the future of Wisconsin. Make your voice heard and make a difference in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election.

Together, We Can Make a Difference: Every vote counts, and your vote could make the difference in the outcome of the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election. Register to vote, educate yourself on the candidates and issues, and participate in the democratic process. Together, we can make a difference in the future of Wisconsin.


Wondering about the upcoming 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Question 1: When is the election?
Answer: The 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Question 2: Who are the candidates?
Answer: The major candidates in the race are incumbent Democratic Governor Tony Evers and Republican challenger Rebecca Kleefisch.

Question 3: What are the key issues in the election?
Answer: The key issues in the election include abortion rights, education, healthcare, taxes, and the economy.

Question 4: How can I register to vote?
Answer: You can register to vote online, by mail, or in person at your local DMV or county clerk’s office. The deadline to register to vote is October 18, 2024.

Question 5: How can I vote absentee?
Answer: You can request an absentee ballot from your local clerk’s office. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is October 29, 2024.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about the candidates and issues?
Answer: You can find information about the candidates and issues on the websites of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin.

Got more questions? Check out these resources:

  • Wisconsin Government Accountability Board: https://gab.wi.gov/
  • League of Women Voters of Wisconsin: https://www.lwvwi.org/

Together, we can make a difference in the future of Wisconsin. Register to vote and make your voice heard in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election!

Important Dates to Remember:

Date Event
October 18, 2024 Deadline to register to vote
October 29, 2024 Deadline to request an absentee ballot
November 5, 2024 Election Day


Make the most of your voting experience in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election with these helpful tips:

Tip 1: Register early. The deadline to register to vote in Wisconsin is October 18, 2024, but it’s best to register well in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

Tip 2: Research the candidates and issues. Take some time to learn about the candidates running for office and their positions on the issues that matter to you. This will help you make an informed decision on Election Day.

Tip 3: Make a voting plan. Decide where you will vote on Election Day and how you will get there. If you plan to vote absentee, request your ballot early and follow the instructions carefully.

Tip 4: Be prepared for Election Day. On Election Day, bring your photo ID and any other required documents to your polling place. Arrive early to avoid long lines and make sure you have enough time to cast your ballot.

Remember, your vote is your voice. Make sure you are heard in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election!

Additional Resources:

  • Wisconsin Government Accountability Board: Voter Information https://gab.wi.gov/voters
  • League of Women Voters of Wisconsin: Voting https://www.lwvwi.org/voting


The 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election is shaping up to be a pivotal contest with important implications for the state and the nation.

Summary of Main Points

  • The election will be held on November 5, 2024, and the major candidates are incumbent Democratic Governor Tony Evers and Republican challenger Rebecca Kleefisch.
  • The key issues in the election include abortion rights, education, healthcare, taxes, and the economy.
  • Voters will have a clear choice between two candidates with very different views on these important issues.
  • The outcome of the election could have a significant impact on the future of Wisconsin, including the state’s laws, policies, and priorities.

Closing Message

Wisconsin voters have a crucial role to play in determining the outcome of the 2024 gubernatorial election. By registering to vote, educating themselves on the candidates and issues, and participating in the democratic process, Wisconsinites can make their voices heard and help shape the future of their state.

Every vote counts, so make sure you exercise your right to vote and fulfill your civic duty in the 2024 Wisconsin gubernatorial election.

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